Thursday, December 13, 2012

Omigod a ghost in my basement

Ok, I'm sure you read the title. There is a ghost in my basement. I'm sure some of you guys don't believe in ghosts and think I'm retarded, but I'm Japanese so I believe in this stuff. I saw a grey thing fly past my couch in the basement and when I check there is absolutely nothing there, twice. Mom saw the same thing so I know I'm right. Also, I was playing the piano alone in the basement (perfect -.-) and I took a five second break and then I heard a freaky moaning behind me and I got myself out of there and freaked out so bad 0.0 That scared the shiz out of me O.o
Mom put salt downstairs so it should be gone. I think. ^_^'


  1. Yes, but Woobie was upstairs both of the times and I actually checked the basement (._.) Also it was to thin and fast and silent...

  2. Why did your Mom put salt in the basement?

  3. It's a religious Japanese thing that keeps bad spirits away ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

  4. The ghost is still coming... (._.)


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