Sunday, December 16, 2012


We are going to Hawaii on wednesday! I totally forgot //_o\ Can't wait! YAY I hate Alaska so I'm very happy when I leave. If I moved to Hawaii I would be happy for once (._.) Yeah, Alaska is making me depressed.... But I get to ditch this place for once and be happy for a while ^_^ (sorry I'm sort of negative no offense to people who like ak)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Honor Band

O My god I made it into honor band! I worked so hard!
I'm a flute player and they only allow 8 flutes out of like a lot and I made it ^_^
I so happy! I don't mean to be showin off or nothin though.
Oh yeah, I also figured out how to get new languages for your keyboard on you IPhone! I have an IPone 4S right now because I don't see that big of a difference between 4s and 5. (other than being lighter and faster and no Siri) Here are the steps because I feel like writing it like that
1. go to settings
2. go to general
3. go to keyboard
4. go to keyboards (it should say 1 right now)
5. go to add new keyboards
6. go and pick a language ^_^
7. go and bother some people with your new language ^-^
Thats all. I chose Japanese Kana because I'm Japanese (how many times have I said that...) and I need to learn some things because it's complicated....

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Omigod a ghost in my basement

Ok, I'm sure you read the title. There is a ghost in my basement. I'm sure some of you guys don't believe in ghosts and think I'm retarded, but I'm Japanese so I believe in this stuff. I saw a grey thing fly past my couch in the basement and when I check there is absolutely nothing there, twice. Mom saw the same thing so I know I'm right. Also, I was playing the piano alone in the basement (perfect -.-) and I took a five second break and then I heard a freaky moaning behind me and I got myself out of there and freaked out so bad 0.0 That scared the shiz out of me O.o
Mom put salt downstairs so it should be gone. I think. ^_^'


Today in around an hour I'm going to my band concert at my school. I guess it will be cool. We aren't very good though, but it should still be fun. I'm first chair flute, so I have to get all the other flutes to get their seats. I don't know why but I think getting the stage ready is fun. I like working and stuff like that. Not sure why. I guess I'm so bored all the time I like having something fun to do.