O My god I made it into honor band! I worked so hard!
I'm a flute player and they only allow 8 flutes out of like a lot and I made it ^_^
I so happy! I don't mean to be showin off or nothin though.
Oh yeah, I also figured out how to get new languages for your keyboard on you IPhone! I have an IPone 4S right now because I don't see that big of a difference between 4s and 5. (other than being lighter and faster and no Siri) Here are the steps because I feel like writing it like that
1. go to settings
2. go to general
3. go to keyboard
4. go to keyboards (it should say 1 right now)
5. go to add new keyboards
6. go and pick a language ^_^
7. go and bother some people with your new language ^-^
Thats all. I chose Japanese Kana because I'm Japanese (how many times have I said that...) and I need to learn some things because it's complicated....
Yay! Good Job!